Wellness Program

The Ardent Wellness Program offers you an opportunity to learn important information about your health status and save money on your medical premiums.

The Wellness Program is voluntary, but by taking part, you will have the opportunity to earn significant rewards while making strides toward a healthier you. If you and your spouse or domestic partner who are enrolled in the medical plan completes the health risk assessment, gets a health screening, and meets specific health goals, you and your spouse/domestic partner can earn discounts towards your medical premiums.

Complete the Tobacco use attestation to earn:

  • $50/month: Tobacco/Nicotine Free status

Complete your biometric screening to earn:

  • $50/month: Waist Circumference: ≤ 35” (female), ≤ 40” (male)
  • $50/month: Achieve at least 2 of the 4 following measures:

Fasting Blood Glucose< 100 mg/dl
Triglycerides< 150 mg/dl
HDL Cholesterol≥ 50 mg/dl (female);
≥ 40 mg/dl (male)
Blood Pressure≤ 130 mmHG systolic AND
≤ 85 mmHG diastolic

Complete your Know Your Numbers Questionnaire *Optional*

The Know your Numbers Questionnaire is a health survey that pairs with your biometric results to provide you with an insightful health risk score and report.

Important Deadlines

To qualify for medical premium rewards, you and/or your covered spouse/domestic partner must register and complete the screening within 60 days of your hire date.

If you have a Qualified Life Event, participants must register and complete the screening within 60 days of the qualifying event.

How to Participate

To register as a new user, please visit www.mypathwaytohealth.com
Select “Register Your Account” and enter your:

  • Employer Code: Ardent
  • Participant’s Last Name: For example, Smith
  • Participant ID: Ardent Employee ID. For example, 123456

For Spouse/ Domestic Partner:

  • Employer Code: Ardent
  • Enter YOUR last name and use YOUR Employee ID plus the letter S
  • For example, 123456S

There are three screening options available for you to select:

  • On-site (free) - We offer convenient on-site screenings for new hires at some locations. Check the Action list on My Pathway to Health to verify availability and sign up.
  • LabCorp Facility (free) - Make certain to visit your selected location.
  • Provider Screening Form - Download the Provider Screening Form for your provider to complete. Please check with your health care provider and insurance carrier about the costs, if any, prior to scheduling your screening.

Wellness discounts may take up to two pay cycles to be applied to your account and will be applied to future premiums only. See our Eligibility and Enrollment page for details on who can enroll in health care coverage.

Note: Wellness screenings are voluntary and confidential. If you are unable to meet any goal(s) under this wellness program, you might qualify to earn rewards with an alternative goal. In addition, if it is unreasonably difficult due to a medical condition for you to meet any of the goals, or if it is medically inadvisable for you to complete the requirements for this program, there may be alternative ways to qualify. We will work with you (and, if you wish, with your doctor) to find an alternative program with the same reward that is right for you in light of your health status. If you disagree with your screening results, you can submit an appeal to Orthus Health for consideration.

Visit www.mypathwaytohealth.com or call 1-800-550-2427 to learn more.

For login or account questions please email ohsecure@wellworksforyou.com or call 1-800-550-2427 for assistance.